Elias Thomas


As a skilled software engineer, I am dedicated to developing innovative solutions that solve complex problems and elevate user experiences. With experience in languages such as Python, HTML, CSS, and JavaScript, I am constantly expanding my knowledge to stay ahead of the latest technologies and programming languages. My strong foundation in software development principles allows me to deliver high-quality products that meet the needs of clients and users alike. I am meticulous in my attention to detail, adept at critical thinking, and thrive in collaborative team environments. As a valuable asset to any team, I am committed to pushing the boundaries of what is possible in software engineering, and look forward to tackling new challenges and making a positive impact through my work.

Interests: Virtual Reality, Front-end developing, Quantum Computing, Software Engineering, 3D Graphics


My Neighborhood 2023

My Neighborhood is a web application that allows members of a community to quickly and efficiently communicate non-emergency issues to the correct government agency and their fellow community members.

HTML MongoDB GitHub Python Gunicorn Heroku Postgres jQuery AWS

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Shoes 2023

One of the projects I created was a social media app for shoes so people can trade or post shoes they have or want.

Express.js React Node.js MongoDB Javascript Redux CSS HTML

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Routine 2023

Created and designed a full-stack web app following full RESTful routing and giving the user access to full CRUD functionality. Saved user input through the server-side Mongoose database using MongoDB. Rendered the front end with EJS templates. Utilized Sessions to program a user’s login and signup authentication experience.

HTML GitHub CSS Node EJS Mongoose MongoDB

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Mastermind 2023

Utilized Javascript, HTML, and CSS to create game logic and style the application. Employed functionality through JavaScript iterating over arrays. Linked visual representation of the game to JavaScript using DOM manipulation and creative elements styling.

Javascript HTML CSS

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